I have really enjoyed your podcast and I’ve learned a lot from it. It has given me a better understanding of business financials. Even though I have run my own business for more 15 years I am still learning what the financials actually mean! Going through the checklist has helped me understand some different parts of the financial reports and what they actually mean.

– Murray Bruce, Australia, September 7, 2019

I really do think you are onto something unique here. Each investing podcast I have listened to falls into one of two buckets – 1. High minded theory, or 2. what momentum stocks are hot (without revealing why). But I have never found the connecting piece as between the theory and how to actually value a stock. I have not seen this done anywhere else.

– Paul Coady, Australia, September 5, 2019

Since I‘m running a retirement pension plan with some 34 bn USD and having travelled with these guys I can only recommend this podcast. The combination of the chatty Cam and the highly analytical Tony is a match made in heaven. So, since all good investing is boring, this highly entertaining podcast is the best way to learn to invest your money and to make sure you get your fair share of the stock-market spoils and not your banker. Love the podcast.

– Adrian from Switzerland, September 1, 2019

About QAV

Tony Kynaston is a former senior executive of companies like Coles and Shell. He started investing in the stock market 30 years ago and developed a simple checklist methodology (by studying people like Warren Buffett) that allowed him to retire from his corporate career at age 43 and become a professional investor. And he’s done pretty well since then. The average return on his portfolio over the last 20 years has been 19.5% per annum – double the ASX index. Year in and year out. 

Cameron Reilly, on the other hand, knows nothing about investing – but he is Australia’s podfather. After a career in IT and marketing at places like Microsoft, he created Australia’s first podcast in 2004 and has been doing it ever since, along with making a documentary, writing a couple of books,  and running a marketing strategy consulting business. Tony is his mate and agreed to do this podcast because he feels sorry for him.



Tony Kynaston

Tony Kynaston

The Master

Cameron Reilly

Cameron Reilly

The Student

A Good Bloke

Tony is not only a successful investor, he’s also a good bloke.  He’s not flashy. He’s not trying to get you to invest in a fund. He’s just a regular bloke who has spent 30 years becoming a black belt investor. And I have convinced him to take time out each week to teach me everything he knows when he’d rather just be playing golf. 

If you want to learn how to think like a millionaire and build an investment portfolio, either for yourself or for your kids, then this podcast is for you. 

Below is a short introduction to the series. 


Series Introduction    |   3 min


QAV 730 – Consistency Is The Key

In this episode of the QAV podcast, we look at recent news involving SGI, ATP, FGM, CVL, AX1 and a deep dive into ABB’s recent share price drop and business fundamentals. We discuss listener Conrad’s successful modification of the QAV investment system, which led to a 31.4% return in the last year and review some advice from O’Shaughnessy’s ‘What Works on Wall Street’ regarding consistency in investing. The after-hours segment includes discussions on examples of outstanding customer service, the benefits of rural call centers, and U.S. politics. We also chat about Tony’s recent golf win, film reviews of ‘Stingray’ (1976) and ‘The Assassination Bureau’ (1969), and recommend the music of The Jim Carroll Band and Grace Cummins and the Doctor Who site, stitchesintime.

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QAV Club Weekly Update 2024-07-23

Hello QAVvers It's been a pretty quiet week on the portfolio front. I'm still trying to avoid looking at the AORD, so let's jump into the details. cheers Cam QAV PORTFOLIO REPORT The Dummy Portfolio is performing well against the benchmark over most time frames. SINCE...

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