Hi Cam,
Lots of company reports this week, which means a large Stock Journal. I will hold off putting out a new Buy List until next week when most companies should have reported.
The download from SD was performed on the 25th of Feb at 5:06 PM.
Here are the changes:
New stocks inserted into the Manually Entered Data Tab:
Stocks added to the Buy List:
MXI QAV score 0.75
BCN QAV score 0.33
GAP QAV 0.24
EPD QAV 0.10
CNW QAV 0.15
SRG QAV 0.16
PGH QAV 0.12
SEQ QAV 0.14
BSA QAV 0.12
PRU QAV 0.10
GNG QAV 0.19
AX1 QAV 0.10
RDF QAV 0.10
SFC QAV 0.14
Stocks wiith new results that remain on the Buy List:
MAH updated QAV score of 0.35
BSE updated QAV score of 0.17
IGN (Fudged) QAV 0.59
TRS QAV 0.20
MHJ QAV 0.44
CVW QAV 0.23
AIS QAV 0.44
LAU QAV 0.22
RMS QAV 0.24
SHJ QAV 0.28
MLD QAV 0.23
PFG QAV 0.19
SLR QAV 0.21 (wait to buy)
WPP (Fudge) QAV 0.13
NWH QAV 0.13
MEA QAV 0.13
BFG QAV 0.16
NTD QAV 0.17
ACF QAV 0.11
MGX QAV 0.19
BLX QAV 0.13
Stocks removed rom the Buy List:
SSG off the Buy List because of a 3 point Sell line crossing
EVZ removed for a qualified audit
WGX removed for sentiment
AGG QAV 0.09
C6C QAV 0.09
I am invoking Rule 1: Don’t lose money, and am taking RMS and SSR out of the Dummy portfolio. Even though both are above their Sell lines, they are now below what we paid for them.
Can you also let our listeners know that I am likely to Buy Inghams (ING) soon.