After discussing Hawthorn Resources (HAW) yesterday, I remembered that they were paying a return of capital and special dividend and did some research.
Approximately 4 cents per share is being paid to shareholders on the 20th of November. I think this is why the Hawthorn share price has dropped recently as the shares have gone ex-dividend and ex-return of capital. We should be able to add the return of capital and dividend to the dummy portfolio in the next few days.

The new Buy List and Watch List are up on the Dummy Portfolio.

Changes are as follows:

ICS has fallen off the watchlist due to a rising share price. As has QTM.

SUL has fallen off the watchlist due to a falling share price.

E&P Financial Group (EP1) is added to the Buy List as well as the Manually Entered Data tab. EP1 is the old Evans Dixon Limited which has had a controversial recent period. They are being prosecuted by ASIC. EP1 are also under a takeover offer which has seen its share price rally. I would not be buying this myself given the takeover situation, but listeners who like that sort of action may want to investigate further.

8VI reported new figures and I have updated their score. They remain on the Buy List with a QAV score of 0.16.

MFF was re-added to the Buy List following an upturn in their share price. They have a QAV score of 0.35.

Update 05:39 PM: RRL is a sell so we will be dumping it from the QAV portfolio (and Tony will be selling it out of his own portfolio tomorrow). We’re going to replace it in the QAV portfolio with GRR.